- 500,000+ International Students
- World class institutions and degrees
- High standard of education
- Post graduate work opportunities
- Amazing Student life experience
- 500,000+ new international students
- 93% Student Satisfaction
- Academic Excellence
- Affordability
- Quality of Life
- Work as Student
- Post Graduate Work Permit
- Immigration Opportunities
- 1 Million International Students
- Best Investment
- Globally Recognized Education
- High Ranked Universities
- Improved Career Opportunities
- 300,000+ International Students
- 6th best education systems
- Incredible Nature
- Diversified Education
- Low cost of living
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Our Mission!
EXCELECI is connecting students with international institutions for study and unique life experience and potential of better future.
Match Maker!
We match and apply to programs and schools that align with your background, skills, and interests.
Simplified Application!
Using our system, you can apply for the most relevant school or program in a simple, easy and cost-effective manner.
Turn Dreams into Reality!
With access to 1,000+ academic institutions around the world with over 100,000 program offerings, you can choose the best program to meet your financial and professional requirements.
Our Services
We provide complete services from course selection to Visa and Placement.